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More about our Holistic Courses

Our Violet Flame Course

The Violet flame is an energetic flame brought in again since 2011/2012 and used to transmute any negative energies from people, places, rooms, houses etc. it is excellent for everyone but especially therapists and healers. 


It was passed on to me by one of my spiritual teachers ‘Edwin Courtenay’ who channelled it and wrote it and I’ve been teaching it for around 6 years now, I’ve since done further courses and I’ve been teaching Violet flame 2 but I’m just training in a new version from Edwin so will be passing this on also very soon 


As I am a channel for the divine and I already work closely with the Angels and Ascended Masters the Violet flame is an ideal extension to reiki or Angelic reiki workshops which I also teach or any other healing method, but if you don’t offer healing it is excellent for therapists too as it is great to cleanse the room in between clients 


2023 is the perfect year to train with the Violet flame energies as it is a year 7, which is the Ascended Master Saint Germain’s number, details of the workshop below, let me know if you need further information, further dates or to book a place 



*Violet flame level 1 

Friday 24th February

10am-4pm £151


Includes talk on what the Violet flame is and how to use it, who is Saint Germain, the 7 presences of the Violet flame (Archangels and Ascended Masters) and how to bring in their energies 


A Violet flame chakra attunement

Healing method for self and others and practise on each other

Connection to Lady Portia and more 

Certificate of attendance and you will be emailed the full manual 


*please note this is a workshop and NOT a qualification, it is intended for your own use 


Violet flame level 2 

Dates and info to follow soon, please ask for more information

Image by Susanna Marsiglia
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